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Safari Packages

Snowmobile trip – 3 days

Overview Tour Itinerary Enquire Now

The arctic winter landscape and fauna have always had a magical attraction on humans. With its 61,000 square kilometres, Svalbard offer enormous areas of untouched arctic nature. It is the arctic fox, reindeer, seals and polar bears that reign. To fully experience this arctic wilderness, we need to utilize snowmobiles and have a sufficient amount of time. During three days of Wildlife Safari, we will have enough time to get the feeling of being a part of the grand arctic nature. We also have the opportunity to experience the realm of polar bears on the east coast of Spitsbergen. Our guides, who possess both experience and local knowledge, will arrange this trip to make it a memorable experience for the participants, both by passing on local history and by facilitating an experience of the nature and the arctic wildlife. We will spend the nights in our simple cabin in Fulmardalen.

Day 1
After breakfast, at 9 am you will be picked up by the guide at your choice of accommodation, who will take you to our storage for a briefing. This gives you the opportunity to get to know the other participants as we prepare and pack for our trip. We will brief you on the planned route and give you an update on the weather forecast. Equipment and luggage are strapped to the sledges, and we will equip you with solid and warm snowmobile suits. We estimate to start our journey from Longyearbyen at 11 am. Today’s journey will bring us through Adventdalen and Sassendalen. In a side valley to Sassendalen, we will find our «trappers’ cabin”. After a short stop at the cabin, we will head towards the east coast.

Day 2
We will drive north east before reaching the frozen sea ice on Storfjorden. Depending on the ice conditions, we will drive to the area from Dunèr in the south to the glacier Negribreen in the north. This is a landscape the polar bear appreciates, and occasionally we will stop to look for polar bears and seals. We estimate spending the whole day outside, allowing time to let the impressions sink in. We will return to the cabin on the same track we drove on in the morning, looking towards the magnificent glaciers further north. Distance of driving is about 100 – 140 km.

Day 3
Our last day in the arctic wilderness will offer yet another chance to visit the east coast along a different route than the previous days. On the return back to Longyearbyen, we can choose to travel via the mining settlement of Svea or the west coast. Estimated arrival in Longyearbyen is 5 pm.. Distance: approx. 90-140 km.

Special Promotional Package

7n/8days Migration Special

Probably the greatest wildlife spectacle on planet with over 1,245,000 wildebeest, 200,000 Burchell’s zebra, 18,000 eland and 500,000 Thomson’s Gazelle filling the entire stretch of the landscape.

You Visit

Aberdare National Park and Masai Mara, internal flight included.

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